Words by: Inés Bigas | Pictures By: Pedro Braga Sampaio

Summer Hat and Clutch set in collaboration with Sol Pardo
I have always had creative freedom, I have never been told what to imagine, draw or paint. I have been taught to research and to seek my own inspiration from what I read, see and breathe. Then I start to create.
I found in hats an almost unexplored world that attracted me from the first moment. It made me transform words into materials and discover another way to communicate, to ask myself questions that I had never explored before. I was seduced by the mixture of craftsmanship and the idea of its re-signification.
The idea is to create a piece that works both as a hat and as a piece of art, always managing to transmit the message of the why and how of each of them in both cases. I like to classify my hats as portable objects.
We had conversations about the object around the body and the body as an object. We talked about the care of the body, the skin and the life of the skin. From there, we talked about the fragility of the body but also about how to protect it, from the texture to the materials or colours. This is how we came up with the idea of designing a hat between mid/night 00.00 and PARDOhats, a hat that dresses and protects us.
Magritte once said that the message was in the artist, not in each separate piece, and that is how I like to understand PARDOhats.
If you contact me, it is because you are interested in the universe that surrounds me and you agree with the way I represent it. This is how mid/night 00.00 approached me and how the collaboration has evolved.